Whatcom Falls Park and church camp

On the way down to church camp this year, we stopped off in Bellingham to do some sight-seeing. Whatcom Falls park is a gorgeous park with a collection of small waterfalls (we found three, but there may have been more), a small lake, a playground and some fish ponds. And the worst signage in the history of parks.

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It is a short walk (maybe up to medium walk, depending on your definition of short) round trip to see the three waterfalls, lake and fish ponds. The below falls can be seen 50 metres from the carpark.

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2016 - waterfalls and camp

The greens everywhere were stunning – moss, trees and even the reflection in the water

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And the good news is, that someone is actually learning to walk by herself. The stroller is mostly now used for the stuffies (stuffed toys for the Aussies!).

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Church camp was again a cool, fairly wet occasion. The weekend was spent eating, playing games (inside and out and mostly avoided by me), eating, reading books, eating and taking photos. Did I mention you can have chocolate bits for breakfast?? I made use of this as I figured this was the only place it can be considered acceptable to have chocolate that early in the day. Who would have thought choc-chip porridge (oatmeal) would be so delicious?

Click on any of the photos if you want to see them larger.

Munchkin has been doing some rock climbing classes and is loving it. I love the way she is decision-making the whole way up. Got to practise on the camp wall.

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This is our second year at church camp on Whidbey Island. If you are interested to see what we got up to last year, you can check it out here… It will give you a bit more of an idea of what we get up to there, as it is more detailed.

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