Juneau – whale watching and the tramcar

As you may have read in my previous post, the first stop on our recent cruise to Alaska was Juneau.

The other half of my photo safari was whale watching. I had never been whale watching before and was keen to go. We were lucky enough to see 3 whales feeding individually. It was nothing like what you often see in whale watching photos, with whales and Orcas jumping out of the water, but at least we saw more than a fin!


We also went to a sea lion resting point and saw many, many bald eagles. Click on any of these to see them larger.


Would I go on another whale watching tour? Probably not. While it was great to see them, it felt a bit frantic. We would zoom off to see a whale. Stop. Sit. Take photos. Then zoom off again. Maybe it would be better not taking photos, and to just enjoy the moment.

After finishing off the tour, I met up with everyone else and we went up the Mount Roberts tramway. When we arrived in Juneau, we had thought there would be no way we would get up to Mount Roberts, but with the cloud clearing, it was the perfect day for it.


The views and wildflowers on the mountain are gorgeous. I would also recommend walking up to the cross and beyond for better views. In the photo of the ships below, ours is the one in the middle of the photo, with the dark hull.


I took many photos of the wildflowers, which will be in my next post.

5 thoughts on “Juneau – whale watching and the tramcar

  1. Pingback: Alaskan wildflowers | Canadian adventure

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  3. Pingback: The ship – the Nieuw Amsterdam and some tips for new cruisers | Canadian adventure

  4. Pingback: Ketchikan | Canadian adventure

  5. Pingback: Top 16 of 2016 | Canadian adventure

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